hill house: where dreams go to die

A Public Space is running an online book club on Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, led by her recent biographer, Ruth Franklin. It started today, and the first post made me realise just how much Hill House drains Eleanor of life, her dream life, even before it takes her physical life from her.... Continue Reading →

notes on “where i end” by sophie white

[this is full of spoilers by the way.] i read this book a few months ago and it still gnaws away at the sides of my brain. here's the blurb from sophie white's website: "Teenager Aoileann has never left the island. Her silent, bed-bound mother is the survivor of a private disaster no one will... Continue Reading →

into the heart of the spider-verse

There’s something about Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. It's been awhile since I last saw it but I still remember how joyous it made me feel. It bursts with heart, and wisdom, and warmth, and humour, and bravery and a whole truckload of good things (one of which is a head bopping soundtrack). I loved it... Continue Reading →

Saints, Misfits, and Humbert Humberts

I read S. K. Ali’s novel Saints and Misfits right after reading Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita. It was hard to miss the fact that both novels centred around predators and the people they prey on, though each story was told from opposing points of view: one from the predator’s, and the other from the victim’s. Reading... Continue Reading →

Party like it’s 2018 Book Night

Book Discussion Scheme will be holding their annual Book Night on May 22nd. What is a Book Night you ask? It’s simply a fun way for all of New Zealand to join in and celebrate reading (and go in the draw to win some prizes at the same time). Reading doesn’t have to be a... Continue Reading →

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